Sunday, March 29, 2009

Jay Returns

Jay, former Mind Workshop Czar, is returning this week to present his paper "Self-Sacrifice".

Don't miss it: 4/1/09, 6pm-8pm, Cobb 102


Natalia said...

Hi, how can I contact you?

I want to start, a list of philosophy BLOGS. A small presentation of the thing, a library or address book. But one question I don't know is, how to contact people through blogs, I'm not familiar with this medium.

If time permits, I want you to make a post here,

It will get stickied and start a list of philosophy blogs. You could write a small intro too, like "Here is a index and library of PHILOSOPHY blogs ...."

Already an index of BBS is here,

Kind regards,

- Niki

Trent Riley said...

Thanks great poost